Les claus d'autodefensa estableixen Kit Kit Autodefensa a l'engròs Accessoris personalitzats per a dones per a dones

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Les claus d'autodefensa estableixen Kit Kit Autodefensa a l'engròs Accessoris personalitzats per a dones per a dones
Voleu sentir -vos segur a la carretera quan esteu fora? És força evident que necessiteu les eines de seguretat adequades per a això. Això només és possible en tenir un Keychain de primer nivell que té funcions com Alarmes de seguretat, xiulets d’emergència, etc.
Seguretat i estil junts:
Amb el lleuger Conjunt de tecla SDK fàcil de transportar Tens tot això i molts més! És hora de sortir a tenir un SDK Keychain establert al vostre costat mentre manteniu el vostre estil i glamour.
Disseny pràctic:
El disseny altament pràctic de la clau de clau ho fa possible. N’hi ha 9 corretges pràctiques a la clau. No dóna als assignadors cap suggeriment que el vostre bell conjunt de tecla també tingui un xiulet d’emergència i alarma de seguretat.
El millor regal per a dones treballadores:
Sí! Ho heu sentit bé, Ara el paquet inclou 9 accessoris fantàstics que fan que el teclat sigui el regal perfecte per a una dona. The package includes Wristband Keychain, Lipstick Protective Cover, Transparent Plastic Bottle Protective Cover, Pom Pom Ball, No Touch Keychain, Emergency Whistle, Safe Sound Personal Alarm, Coin Purse, and a Protection Key.
9 accessoris duradors:
Els 9 accessoris es fabriquen amb un Material resistent i robust de primer nivell cosa que fa que el Regal pràctic Mai no es farà malbé en cap moment. Moreover, as there is also a bottle cover and lipstick protective locker present this will keep your makeup accessories safe from getting damaged.
Una gran notícia! We are thrilled to offer free shipping on all orders! Yes, you read that right. No matter what you order, big or small, your shipping is on us.
So go ahead and enjoy a hassle-free shopping experience with our complimentary shipping service.
Happy shopping!
- Domestic orders are generally delivered within 3-5 business days.
- For international orders, there can be the occasional customs or courier delay, which may affect your delivery timeframe.
- Please allow for 2-3 full working days to pick up and pack your order.
- Sales: Please allow 4-5 fulling working days to fulfill your order.
If you experience any issues with your order, please contact info@charliedolly.es.
We use USPS, UPS, or FedEx for domestic shipments and BorderGuru or DHL for international shipments.
Once your order has shipped, you will receive an email containing your tracking information. You can then use this to track your order online. If you do not receive one, please email info@charliedolly.es and let us know. Weekends, holidays, and inclement weather conditions are not factored into delivery time and may cause delays. Please ensure your delivery address is attended to during business hours.
Charlie Dolly requires a signature upon delivery and/or shipping insurance on all domestic orders for security purposes.
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